Review – SPIbelt Running / Sport belt, Large Pocket Version

This posting will be a somewhat short review, because I want to post about something that is small and relatively simple but works quite well and serves its purposes just perfectly. When I run I like having my phone with me (as well as when I bike, and walk, and…

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Bored on the Treadmill, Indoor Bike Trainer, Exercise Bike, Elliptical, or Rowing Machine? Get a Chromecast!

  If you’re like me you might become bored to death of running on the treadmill, indoor bike trainer, exercise bike, rowing machine, and elliptical. I especially find myself not able to finish very many miles on the treadmill (a Sole F63 – review here) during the indoor months –…

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A Review of Some Exercise/Fitness Logging Sites

This review will cover a few of the more popular exercise logging and fitness tracking websites, though I’m going to center this review around a few of my favorites and then more briefly touch on some others. This review also goes along with my next blog post – A Review of…

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(Finding) Time to Exercise

Finding Time to Exercise

What about those people who can’t find time to exercise?  I hear it all the time: “I don’t have time to exercise.” “I would if I could find the time.” “I have kids and a job, there’s just no time to workout.” “My job keeps me pretty busy and then…

Continue reading – The Fitness Social Network To Level Up In Real Life


(A note here – I started writing this entry quite some time ago, last year in fact, and it has sat in my blog’s DRAFT folder for quite some time.  Since then I’ve moved on to logging things in and and don’t use Fitocracy anymore, but since I went to the trouble…

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Review – Brooks PureConnect 2 Lightweight Running Shoes

I don’t run very often.  Once or twice a week is it.  I don’t like it that well and I find it somewhat boring, but it’s great exercise (though high impact).  And I regularly get the itch to run if it’s been awhile.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I do…

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Running, Sole F63 Treadmill Review, and Follow-up

I don’t consider myself a “Runner”.  I’m not sure exactly what that means when people say it in a way where you can almost hear the quotes. 😉 But I do run regularly, so I’m a runner I guess. For my last birthday (when I turned 46) I ran eight miles…

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Running & Biking in Cold Weather

Last winter (2011/2012) was a fairly mild one.  I biked and I also ran as much as I was able to, through almost the entire winter.  Of course, despite a milder winter I still had to really bundle up. So this year I plan on, and am doing, the same…

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Been a Long Time, Part II!

Been a Long Time, Part II! I‘m going to echo the first line of my last blog entry – “Yea, it’s been a long time.”   Why?   Well, I guess the blogging craze has dropped out a little, but matured, both in general and for me personally.  There’s still always  been…

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