22 Minute Hard Corps Deluxe Workout from BeachBody – Review

I just got around to trying 22 Minute Hard Corps (link for Deluxe kit) from Beachbody and Tony Horton even though it’s been around for a bit. And, of course, I wanted to review it here even though I’m a bit late to the party. During the entire time I…

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P90X vs. Insanity vs. P90X2 vs. T25 vs. P90X3

P90X vs. INsanity Vs. P90X2 vs. T25 vs. P90X3

I’m no fitness expert but I do work out often for health and fun and as a hobby, I try to keep in pretty good shape and be an all-around fit person; which involves working hard in various and varied areas of fitness.  And in my case it includes the…

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Been a Long Time, Part II!

Been a Long Time, Part II! I‘m going to echo the first line of my last blog entry – “Yea, it’s been a long time.”   Why?   Well, I guess the blogging craze has dropped out a little, but matured, both in general and for me personally.  There’s still always  been…

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