22 Minute Hard Corps Deluxe Workout from BeachBody – Review

I just got around to trying 22 Minute Hard Corps (link for Deluxe kit) from Beachbody and Tony Horton even though it’s been around for a bit. And, of course, I wanted to review it here even though I’m a bit late to the party. During the entire time I…

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(Finding) Time to Exercise

Finding Time to Exercise

What about those people who can’t find time to exercise?  I hear it all the time: “I don’t have time to exercise.” “I would if I could find the time.” “I have kids and a job, there’s just no time to workout.” “My job keeps me pretty busy and then…

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Fitocracy.com – The Fitness Social Network To Level Up In Real Life


(A note here – I started writing this entry quite some time ago, last year in fact, and it has sat in my blog’s DRAFT folder for quite some time.  Since then I’ve moved on to logging things in Weighttrainning.com and Runkeeper.com and don’t use Fitocracy anymore, but since I went to the trouble…

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