Hunt 44 Aerodynamicist Carbon Disc Wheelset – Review

This review is for the Hunt 44 Aerodynamicist Carbon Disc Wheelset.  A few background details… I’m writing this right after Black Friday/US Thanksgiving of 2023 and likely sometime in the Spring of 2024 I will add some more advanced testing and evaluation to this post so keep an eye out.…

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Magene S3+ Cadence/Speed 2-in-1 Sensor – Review (reviewed in cadence mode only)

Recently I decided to delve into gravel biking more seriously (there might be a future blog post about this, who knows). Yea, I know – maybe a bit late to the party and I’ve certainly ridden a good share of gravel with my endurance bikes and mountain bikes; just not…

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Aotu Portable Backpacking/Hiking Stove and Shoud Butane Tank Stand – Review

For this blog post I am reviewing the Aotu Portable Camping/Backpacking Stove. A few years ago I reviewed the Famgee backpacking/hiking alcohol stove, which has worked quite well. But it does take around ten minutes to boil water and requires a bit of care when fueling it and using it.…

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Totally Just For Fun – AI-Generated Cycling Blog Post

So, here we are – 2023 and we seem to be seeing vast improvements in AI. It’s amazing, incredible…and terrifying. And I write this coming from the viewpoint of a lifelong tech geek and embracer of new technology of all sorts. Technology does not terrify or scare me normally.  But…

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Logia 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station with Solar – Review

I’ve always been a bit of a weather watcher and tracker, for many years I kept precise track of snowfall and temps and other weather events starting with a Commodore VIC-20 and I eventually became a weather spotter for the National Weather Service for a long time. But after a…

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Import, Export, Share Routes and Courses on Various Biking Computers, Apps, Services, and Websites

Last year we had a pretty successful participation year for our group rides via our biking club (website – JeffCoBiking & Facebook page) and in conjunction with a local bike shop’s rides (ReCre’s Bike Studio) and the Team RWB rides with members from our biking group. Some people don’t have…

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DOSII Ergonomic Orthopedic Memory Foam Pillow – Review

Sleep is so vital to our physical health and mental well-being, both short-term and long-term. We know now that the sleep portion of the old saying that is attributed to Benjamin Franklin – “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” doesn’t mean much, especially…

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