Review – DisplayLink USB to VGA /DVI / HDMI Graphics Adapter

This review may be a little shorter than some of my reviews, not because I’m hurrying the review or writing a quick one necessarily.  But more because the whole setup process was so quick and seamless and everything was working so well that I had it all running in no…

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Review – Google Chromecast

There’s plenty of media streaming devices out there but probably the most popular are the Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire Stick, Roku, and in addition to those there are tons of others. I picked up a Google Chromecast after some thought and evaluation among all of these choices – two of the biggest reasons…

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Bored on the Treadmill, Indoor Bike Trainer, Exercise Bike, Elliptical, or Rowing Machine? Get a Chromecast!

  If you’re like me you might become bored to death of running on the treadmill, indoor bike trainer, exercise bike, rowing machine, and elliptical. I especially find myself not able to finish very many miles on the treadmill (a Sole F63 – review here) during the indoor months –…

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