Bored on the Treadmill, Indoor Bike Trainer, Exercise Bike, Elliptical, or Rowing Machine? Get a Chromecast!

  If you’re like me you might become bored to death of running on the treadmill, indoor bike trainer, exercise bike, rowing machine, and elliptical. I especially find myself not able to finish very many miles on the treadmill (a Sole F63 – review here) during the indoor months –…

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Running, Sole F63 Treadmill Review, and Follow-up

I don’t consider myself a “Runner”.  I’m not sure exactly what that means when people say it in a way where you can almost hear the quotes. 😉 But I do run regularly, so I’m a runner I guess. For my last birthday (when I turned 46) I ran eight miles…

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Good Dogs Taking Their Turns on the Treadmill, Without My Saying a Word to Them

I‘ve been asked to post this by a few people who thought this was interesting and highly amusing. Okay, so here’s the scenario…we have a little exercise room that we built in our basement.  We use it all of the time, sometimes a couple of times a day.  And while…

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Been a Long Time, Part II!

Been a Long Time, Part II! I‘m going to echo the first line of my last blog entry – “Yea, it’s been a long time.”   Why?   Well, I guess the blogging craze has dropped out a little, but matured, both in general and for me personally.  There’s still always  been…

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