What’s (in) Your Seatbag/Saddle Bag?

What’s in your wallet, er, I mean seat bag? (For future generations of blog readers – that’s a [lame] play on a current popular commercial…oh, never mind). A good friend of mine, Erik from the blog/site Solargravity, recently took up biking again after a time away from it.  The many…

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A Review of Some Exercise/Fitness Logging Sites

This review will cover a few of the more popular exercise logging and fitness tracking websites, though I’m going to center this review around a few of my favorites and then more briefly touch on some others. This review also goes along with my next blog post – A Review of…

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What a Great Day for a Bike Ride

Let’s face it – not a lot of us just stop what we’re doing and say to ourselves – “Hey, it’s great to be alive!” I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting more reflective in my middle-age, or because I’ve lost weight and I’m in the healthiest state I’ve ever been in my whole  so…

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Camillus Erie Canal Park and Trail

We’re always looking for new trails; for walking, hiking, running, biking, and taking the dogs for walks on. I’ll also mention here that I also have a trails page – the Northern New York Trails Page that I try to keep updated at least some of the time. So while looking for trails…

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