Review – Google Chromecast

There’s plenty of media streaming devices out there but probably the most popular are the Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire Stick, Roku, and in addition to those there are tons of others. I picked up a Google Chromecast after some thought and evaluation among all of these choices – two of the biggest reasons…

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Review – Asus MeMO Pad 7 (White)

My Google Nexus 7 worked great, for a few years.  Unfortunately the system began to slow, and even wiping and re-installing the Android OS didn’t help except for a short time.  Slower and slower it got (not abnormal for Android devices anyway; unless you use them in a very average…

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Review – FitBit Flex

Everyone’s heard of them – activity-trackers.  They are devices that you wear on your wrist or in your pocket or another place on your person and which monitor and track your physical activities – whether it is general movement, steps, stairs, sleep, etc.  If you want to keep a bit…

Continue reading – The Fitness Social Network To Level Up In Real Life


(A note here – I started writing this entry quite some time ago, last year in fact, and it has sat in my blog’s DRAFT folder for quite some time.  Since then I’ve moved on to logging things in and and don’t use Fitocracy anymore, but since I went to the trouble…

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Rooting the Nexus 7

I probably should have posted this before my “Some Nexus 7 OTG Accessory Photos“, but anyway… This entry is going to be a bit short. That’s because when it comes to unlocking and rooting the Google Nexus series you’ll find plenty of resources; websites with instructions on how to do it, programs…

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