Successfully Debricked WT54G V5, Drilling Limestone and Annoying Know-It-Alls, Turning off UAC Notification in Vista Windows Security Center

What?! You say, two blog entries in two days? Successfully Debricked WT54G V5 Well, a few hours was all it took… Hours better spent making money or working on finishing our house or something. Basically, this was the second WT54G router I got for our long-distance broadband Internet experiment. Version…

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Tweaking Vista, TV Converter Box Program, Bricked WT54G, Minifox for Firefox

Tweaking Vista Vista. Yea, you’ve all heard of the problems or more than likely ran into them yourself if you got it on a new computer system or installed it. I’ve been helping people with it, usually to get rid of it in most cases or live with it and…

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