I love Blogger.com from Google, it’s a great way for anyone of any skill level to start blogging. And it has so many options for customization.
But I wanted even more control over my blog and content so if you’re reading this you know that this is hosted on my own server space, and on my own WordPress install. As time goes on you’ll probably see some changes as I modify, customize, and ‘hack’ the template I’m using to give myself more ability to add even more to the blog.
I highly recommend WordPress – either a hosted one or installing it on your own server. The options and plug-ins are nearly limitless.
BUT – if Blogger works good for you and maybe you’re just starting out then that’s a very good option too.
‘Personal preference’ is a phrase I use often.
Anyway…right now the blog is still in a modification phrase. I don’t have it quite the way I want it yet and not everything works quite right. But keep an eye here in times to come.